Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

STORY Woodcutter

Once, a timber merchant accepting applications for a worker to cut down trees in the forest. Because of the promised salary and working conditions will be accepted very well, so that the candidate woodcutter was determined to do his best.

We began to work, the employer gives an ax and showed the work area must be completed by the target date specified to the woodcutter.The first day of work, he managed to knock down 8 trees. In the afternoon, to hear the work of the bush, the employer was impressed and gave praise sincerely, "The results of your work was incredible! I am very impressed with your ability to cut down the trees. No one ever before like this. Continue to work like that ".Highly motivated by praise her employer, the next day the bush to work even harder, but he only succeeded in knocking down seven trees. 

The third day, he worked even harder, but the results remained unsatisfactory even disappointing. The more each passing day, the little tree that had broken down. "I think I've lost the ability and strength, how can I account for my work to the employer?" Woodcutter thought shame and despair. With heads bowed her face to the employer, apologized for the lack of adequate work and complain do not understand what had happened.The boss listened and asked him, 

"When was the last time you sharpened your ax?""Sharpen the ax? I do not have time for that, I am very busy every day cutting trees from morning to evening with a vengeance ". Said the lumberjack."Well, this is the problem. Remember, your first day of work? With a new ax and sharpened, then you can cut down a tree with outstanding results. In the following days, with the same energy, using the same axes but not polished, you know, the results are diminishing. So, how busy, you should take time to sharpen your ax, so that every day working with the same effort and maximum results.

Now start sharpening your ax and get back to work! "Ordered the employer. With a nod-nod of the head and say thank you, the bush away from the presence of her employer to start sharpening the ax.Rest does not mean stop,But to travel furtherJust as the woodcutter, we are every day, from morning till night, as if stuck in a routine pattern.

Busy, busy, busy, so often forget the other side is equally important, namely a short break to hone and fill out new things to add to the knowledge, insight and spiritual. If we are able to regulate the rhythm of activity like this, our lives will surely be a dynamic, resourceful and always new!

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