Minggu, 20 Mei 2012


What you see when choosing a mate? Men who come from wealthy and prominent family? If the purpose of your relationship just now, maybe it's enough. However, if you are looking for a serious relationship up to the wedding, there are other criteria that should you see, the potential of his success.

1. Have a purpose in life
When you ask what the purpose of his life, he will explain in detail to you the short and medium term plans, what he wants to do next year, five years, and so on.
In fact, he prepared a contingency plan to anticipate failure. Not only answered, 'We'll see, just live life like flowing water.'

2. Independent
It does not rely on others and rely on their own abilities in any way. For example, since the beginning of work, he paid for their own lives without the help of her parents. Men such as these suggest that he was responsible for his life and the lives of people he loved. He's also never complained about his job. Because he realized that to succeed, will require effort and hard work.

3. Hobbies help
You would never hear the phrase more and more giving, more and more accepted. Believe it or not, this expression is true. So, if your partner has a mild man a helping hand to others, you should be proud to support it. Because, this will be the provision or savings to reach success in the future. Who knew that he had helped someone today plays an important role in his career later on.

4. Friendly and knowledgeable
A friendly attitude coupled with the breadth of knowledge will usually be easy to take care of many, including lobbying at the key people associated with his career. Knowledge about various things including the latest news will make others feel comfortable discussing with him. More and more people attracted to her, the wider its networking as well. If you have this, you do not have to worry about the qualities he possessed, success will soon be over.

5. 'Family man'
Men who are responsible and loving family is usually a man who was also watching the development of his career. He will always be motivated to improve career to better meet the needs of his family. In addition, the men of this type tend to be loyal to her partner so that he could balance your time and thoughts to you and your work.

6. Has an investment
Currently the salary he is hardly a big deal? No need to worry as long as he could manage his income and did not always run out of money in the middle of the month. Especially when it includes people who are keen to see business opportunities. No need is too great, leaving from a small business can deliver a successful entrepreneur. Supports fully when he has the desire to repay a home or invest in other forms, such as stocks or mutual funds. Because it shows he's really thinking about the future.

7. Realistic and straight
Although he's eager to reach his dream, still observe how their business dreams, do not let him justify the various ways that it could destroy his future. Remember to stay realistic about its capabilities. If he's an expert in the field of information technology, he did not have to force yourself to become a public relations as interested in seeing his success in that field. Each person has the advantage that it is different.

8. Optimistic and positive
He really knows what the strengths and weaknesses so that he was always confident when interacting with others or when given new responsibilities. He almost never says 'can not' or 'lazy to do it deh'. He always think positive and optimistic that any challenge that comes there must be a solution. In addition, he also used to focus on doing things quickly, so do not give up when a failure.

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