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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Quit complaining My friends

Spread the word via Twitter or Facebook when word of encouragement is suitable for word of encouragement for the people you care about. Friend, you complain it appropriate? Though you have been blessed with a pair of strong arms to change the world. It worth your gripe? Though you have been awarded the intelligence that allows you to fix everything.

Do you intend to squander it all? then remove the burden and responsibility? Do not force that is in you, because you stumbled lamented. Let your heart tegarkan. Enforce the shoulder. Do not let the spirit is lost just because you do not know the answer to your problem.

Do not let fatigue thrust your advantage. Take a deep breath. Settle all the universe is in your mind. Then find another glimmer of light behind the clouds. And start taking a new step.

Indeed, there are more people than you are entitled to complain. Unfortunately, their voices hoarse inaudible, because they did not have time to complain. Heavy burden of life which they live rather than their regret. If so masihkan you prefer to complain rather than undergo the challenges of life?

Perhaps the following picture image can be made ​​more vibrant companions through life without feeling shortages.

If you feel your work is very heavy, what about him

If you feel you pay very little, what about the children who are poor?

If you feel studying is a burden, imitate the spirit he ..

If you have time to feel desperate, remember this guy!

wonder what we are complaining about the food while it is being thought of eating a Happy Meal?

If you feel alive You suffer, do you also feel pain like this?

If you feel you life is not fair, what about him?

When we were kids spoiled and loved, what they are spoiled?

What we still do not feel guilty about not always listen even against our mother?

Promise yourself, then do. Talk less do More! thank you've seen this post .. spread through the share box below if this is felt important to be shared to the people you care about.

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Dare To Dream

It was told that once in a poor remote village, there was a school having very few students because most of the school-age children had to help their parents to make a living. One day, the only school teacher in the school taught composition to his pupils. Having explained all the rules and guidance, he assigned his students to write an essay. "At home, write an essay about your dreams, about what you want to be in the future.
Tomorrow, you are supposed to read your work in front of the class.."

On the next day, each student, stood in front of the class reading his or her own writing. Most of them wanted to become teachers, farmers, or government officials, etc. The teacher, nodded his head up and down, as the sign of agreement. Then, here came his youngest student to share his dreams to the class.

He was terribly-looked; thin as a needle wearing worn out school uniform. Despite his poor-look, he boldly declared his dreams, "Someday when I grow up, I am going to have a big house up on the hill with beautiful scenery around, surrounded by small cottages for rest places. Among the house, there would be pine trees and the other shady trees. There would be a flower garden with various flowers and colors. There was also an orchard with all the most delicious fruits ever existing which could be plucked by the host and the people around. I will be a successful and happy man together with my big family and guest who go there."

And of course, the whole class burst into laughter as they were listening to the ugly-looked-little-thin boy's dream. "Hey day dreamer, get up from your nap..," said his friends rudely and humiliatingly. They could not stop making fun on him, mocked him with rude words. The teacher then became a little upset. He accused the boy the cause of the boisterous noise. He said, "What you wrote was a fantasy, not dream. You should write like any other students did. Now, you must rewrite your paragraph. Write like your friends!"

"Teacher, this is my real dream. It's not a fantasy, it can be realized," insisted the youngest student.

"Hey son… you are living in a poor village, your family is also a poor one. How can you make all your dreams come true? What a dreamer you are! Now you must write another logical dream," said the teacher impatiently.

"I don't want any other dreams. This is my only dream" said the boy with persistence.

"Please bring a new essay tomorrow. If you don't want to revise your writing, I will give the lowest mark," warned the teacher trying to threat him.

The next morning, the youngest student did not bring any new composition. Although he was threatened and mocked that way before the class, he still insisted on his dreams. Due to his stubbornness to his teacher's assignment, he got the worst mark in class.

Thirty years had passed; the teacher was still a teacher at the school. One day he took his students to have a study tour to a well-known orchard up on a hill in the village nearby. As he and his students stepped their feet on the spacious and beautiful orchard, they were amazed. Besides the orchard, there was a big and beautiful flower garden too surrounded by shady and cool trees around. What astonished them more was the big house standing tall, sturdy and beautifully-designed in the middle of the garden like a palace.

"He who built this palace must be a great man.. How can I just figure this out that there is such a heavenly place around…," said the teacher in amazement. Suddenly he heard a voice, "No, it is not a great man who built this place. It is just a naughty student who dared to have a big dream. Surely, his teacher who educated him is supposed to be greater than him. Let's come inside and have the best tea and fruit from this garden," said the voice warmly.

The teacher was shocked having heard the answer. He was astonished. His mind wondered back to a scene 30 years ago. And slowly he began to recognize who the man standing in front of him now was. Yes, he was that stubborn student, the one who did not want to change his dream and got the worst mark of all in the class. And now he had become a very successful businessman. His eyes were wet. He felt great and relieved and at the same time shameful as he mocked the boy's dream 30 years ago.

Dear readers,

If we want to realize and observer carefully, there are lots of spectacular accomplishments from the past centuries up to the millennium era today. All were born and started by an embryo.

Because of a dream, a plane was created.
Because of a dream, we can enjoy the greatness of a computer.
Because of a dream too, our life quality is increasing.
Of course, to consummate all the dreams into reality, we need the other powers. The powers should be cultivated in our inner selves, namely : The Power of bravery, trial, fight, dare to fail and dare to succeed.

Most of the time, the obstacles of someone's success is not due to his/her weakness that he/she has. But more, because they do not have a strong dream that they believe and then fight for full heartedly.

In relation to my own experience, when I got a dream to be a movie star in Hong Kong because I knew that I had the skill of martial arts, good-looking face and athletic body, but on the other hand, I had a poor family background, low education, coolie, inexperience, isn't that all the joke ever in this world?

Look of mockeries and doubts arose every time people heard of my dream. Some friends did not believe in my dream and considered it ass too high to reach. Some worried that my dream would not be consummated. Some paid pity to see me steel-like determination and fight, I made my dream to be a Hong Kong movie star.

Mockeries and doubts from other people to any big dreams were also faced by great people in the world. But these people never stopped by the mockeries and doubts. Because for those who have rich mentality, mockeries and doubts are unpaid vitamins that needed to trigger their struggle in life.

Therefore, if there are several people who mock at and doubt our dream, don't let that worry you. Just one best answer ever, strengthen your determination and spirit, and prove them that we have the right and able to get whatever best for our life.

STORY Woodcutter

Once, a timber merchant accepting applications for a worker to cut down trees in the forest. Because of the promised salary and working conditions will be accepted very well, so that the candidate woodcutter was determined to do his best.

We began to work, the employer gives an ax and showed the work area must be completed by the target date specified to the woodcutter.The first day of work, he managed to knock down 8 trees. In the afternoon, to hear the work of the bush, the employer was impressed and gave praise sincerely, "The results of your work was incredible! I am very impressed with your ability to cut down the trees. No one ever before like this. Continue to work like that ".Highly motivated by praise her employer, the next day the bush to work even harder, but he only succeeded in knocking down seven trees. 

The third day, he worked even harder, but the results remained unsatisfactory even disappointing. The more each passing day, the little tree that had broken down. "I think I've lost the ability and strength, how can I account for my work to the employer?" Woodcutter thought shame and despair. With heads bowed her face to the employer, apologized for the lack of adequate work and complain do not understand what had happened.The boss listened and asked him, 

"When was the last time you sharpened your ax?""Sharpen the ax? I do not have time for that, I am very busy every day cutting trees from morning to evening with a vengeance ". Said the lumberjack."Well, this is the problem. Remember, your first day of work? With a new ax and sharpened, then you can cut down a tree with outstanding results. In the following days, with the same energy, using the same axes but not polished, you know, the results are diminishing. So, how busy, you should take time to sharpen your ax, so that every day working with the same effort and maximum results.

Now start sharpening your ax and get back to work! "Ordered the employer. With a nod-nod of the head and say thank you, the bush away from the presence of her employer to start sharpening the ax.Rest does not mean stop,But to travel furtherJust as the woodcutter, we are every day, from morning till night, as if stuck in a routine pattern.

Busy, busy, busy, so often forget the other side is equally important, namely a short break to hone and fill out new things to add to the knowledge, insight and spiritual. If we are able to regulate the rhythm of activity like this, our lives will surely be a dynamic, resourceful and always new!