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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012



Sincerity is ranked first as the most favored by nature
everyone. Sincerity makes others feel safe and valued as
sure will not be fooled or deceived. People who are sincere are always saying
truth, not like making it up, pretend, make excuses or
distort the facts. The principle is "Yes and No on Yes on No".
Of course it would be ideal if a soft sincerity pigeon was offset
the ingenuity of a snake. That way, sincerity is not to be
innocence that can hurt yourself.


In contrast to low self-esteem which is a weakness, humility would caution
reveals the power. Only the strong soul that can be
humble. He was like growing rice contains more down. Person
The humble can recognize and appreciate the excellence of others. He could
make people feel okay on it and make the person underneath
do not feel inferior.


Loyalty is a rare commodity and a very high price. People who
faithful always to be trusted and relied upon. He always kept his promises, had
strong commitment, willing to sacrifice and do not like treason.

Positive Thinking

People who are positive (positive thinking) always try to see
everything from a positive lens, even in a bad situation
even. He would rather talk about the good rather than bad people
others, would rather talk about hope rather than despair, preferring
look for solutions rather than frustrating, praising rather than criticizing, and
so on.


Because not everyone is blessed with cheerful temperament, it is not fun
should be interpreted facial expressions and body but the heart attitude. People who are cheerful
is the one who can enjoy life, do not like to complain and always
trying to achieve happiness. He could laugh at the situation, other people,
well as himself. He's got the potential to entertain and encourage
the spirit of others.

Be responsible

The responsible person will carry out its obligations with
seriously. If you make a mistake, he dared to admit it.
When a failure, he would not seek a scapegoat for
blame. Even if he was disappointed and hurt, he will not
blame anyone. He realizes that he himself
responsible for any experienced and felt.


Confidence allows one to receive him as
presence, respect themselves and respect others. People who believe
themselves easily adapt to new environments and situations. He
know what to do and do well.

Greatness of the Soul

Greatness of soul can be seen from a person's ability to forgive others.
People with big hearts did not let himself be ruled by hatred
and hostility. When facing difficult times he remained strong, not
let himself be swept away in sorrow and despair.

Easy Going

People who are easy going take life lightly. He does not like
exaggerate a minor problem. Even tried to play down the problem-
a big problem. He does not like to bring up the past and did not want to worry
the future. He did not want a headache and stress with the problems
which are beyond its control.


Empathy is a trait that is admirable. Empathize with people who not only
a good listener but also can put themselves in someone else's.
When a conflict he is always looking for the best way out for both
parties, do not like to force their opinions and his own. He
always trying to understand and appreciate other people.


What is the meaning of love?
Does true love really exist?

Sometimes such questions arise in our mind and we certainly have our own answer or opinion. But I want you to tell you a story, a touching story that contains the essence of true love: love and sacrifice, a story about love of a father, Dick Hoyt, to his son, Rick Hoyt.

At the time of his birth, Rick suffered a devastating brain cells disease that made Rick couldn't talk and walk. But what was experienced by Rick did not make his father, Dick Hoyt, felt his son was a disgrace. He taught Rick to speak, even took her to exercise and jogging together.

One day, Rick said to his father, "Daddy, when we are running ... I feel like I'm not disabled anymore .. I feel like a normal person !" . That words changed Dick's life. He began to obsess to give that feeling to his child. After several years of practice, Dick registered to attend an athletic contest. Where in that contest, the participants had to do what is called the "Iron-Man" ( 4 km of swimming, 180 km of biking, and 42 km of running ). The remarkable thing was he would do the Iron-Man by carrying Rick with him, in order to fulfill Rick's desire.
Dick made it! and after the event, Rick said "He is the father of this century, I wish one day my father sit in this chair and I'll be the one who push it"
Does true love really exist?

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012


What you see when choosing a mate? Men who come from wealthy and prominent family? If the purpose of your relationship just now, maybe it's enough. However, if you are looking for a serious relationship up to the wedding, there are other criteria that should you see, the potential of his success.

1. Have a purpose in life
When you ask what the purpose of his life, he will explain in detail to you the short and medium term plans, what he wants to do next year, five years, and so on.
In fact, he prepared a contingency plan to anticipate failure. Not only answered, 'We'll see, just live life like flowing water.'

2. Independent
It does not rely on others and rely on their own abilities in any way. For example, since the beginning of work, he paid for their own lives without the help of her parents. Men such as these suggest that he was responsible for his life and the lives of people he loved. He's also never complained about his job. Because he realized that to succeed, will require effort and hard work.

3. Hobbies help
You would never hear the phrase more and more giving, more and more accepted. Believe it or not, this expression is true. So, if your partner has a mild man a helping hand to others, you should be proud to support it. Because, this will be the provision or savings to reach success in the future. Who knew that he had helped someone today plays an important role in his career later on.

4. Friendly and knowledgeable
A friendly attitude coupled with the breadth of knowledge will usually be easy to take care of many, including lobbying at the key people associated with his career. Knowledge about various things including the latest news will make others feel comfortable discussing with him. More and more people attracted to her, the wider its networking as well. If you have this, you do not have to worry about the qualities he possessed, success will soon be over.

5. 'Family man'
Men who are responsible and loving family is usually a man who was also watching the development of his career. He will always be motivated to improve career to better meet the needs of his family. In addition, the men of this type tend to be loyal to her partner so that he could balance your time and thoughts to you and your work.

6. Has an investment
Currently the salary he is hardly a big deal? No need to worry as long as he could manage his income and did not always run out of money in the middle of the month. Especially when it includes people who are keen to see business opportunities. No need is too great, leaving from a small business can deliver a successful entrepreneur. Supports fully when he has the desire to repay a home or invest in other forms, such as stocks or mutual funds. Because it shows he's really thinking about the future.

7. Realistic and straight
Although he's eager to reach his dream, still observe how their business dreams, do not let him justify the various ways that it could destroy his future. Remember to stay realistic about its capabilities. If he's an expert in the field of information technology, he did not have to force yourself to become a public relations as interested in seeing his success in that field. Each person has the advantage that it is different.

8. Optimistic and positive
He really knows what the strengths and weaknesses so that he was always confident when interacting with others or when given new responsibilities. He almost never says 'can not' or 'lazy to do it deh'. He always think positive and optimistic that any challenge that comes there must be a solution. In addition, he also used to focus on doing things quickly, so do not give up when a failure.

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012


AUTHOR // John Michael

A daughter complained to her father about her life and how the situation was very hard for him. He does not know how he handled and he wanted to surrender. He tired to continue fighting and struggling. It seems like when one problem solved another problem arises.

His father, a chef, took her to the kitchen, then fill three pots with water and place it on fire. Soon, the water in the third pot began to boil.

In one pot she placed carrots, in another pot he placed eggs, and at last he put the pot beans. He let it boil, without saying anything.

Daughter impatiently wondered what her father did. He has a problem, and his father made strange concoction. Half an hour later, the father went to the stove and turn off the flame. He took the carrot and the egg and put it on a plate. Then take the last pot of coffee and put it in the glass.

The father asked, "Honey what you see,"

Quickly, he answers, "Carrots, eggs, and coffee."

The father brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and the carrots are soft. The father then told him to take an already boiled egg and break it. After opening the egg shell, she observed the solid contents. Finally, the father told him to drink a little coffee. His face crinkled feel the power of the coffee flavor.

He asked, "What is the purpose of this all the fathers?"

The father explained, "Each of these objects through the same thing, a 100-degree hot water. But every body reacts differently."

"Carrots are initially entered by the strong and harsh circumstances. But after going through boiling water, it becomes soft and weak."

"Eggs are very fragile. Thin outer shell protects the liquid inside. But after being in boiling water, it becomes hard."

"But the coffee beans were unique. Once they are in boiling water, it becomes increasingly powerful and rich in taste and smell." "Which one are you?" The father asked his daughter.

When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond?

Am I the carrot, egg or coffee bean?

Are you a carrot that looks strong, but with a bit of pain, adversity, heat you wilt and soft with no strength?

Are you the egg that starts with a soft heart and spirit that continues to flow like a liquid? But after the death of the closest, a breakup, a divorce, a layoff you became hardened and stiff. Cangkangmu look the same, but your heart and your soul turned into a very hard and stiff.

Or you like a coffee bean? Coffee beans do not get a strong flavor and aroma until it is heated in boiling water 100 degrees. When the situation gets worse, you are actually getting better. As the days getting darker, heavier exams, your soul would go up to the next level.

How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Inspiring Stories: DO NOT GIVE UP - HAVE HOPE

The following is an inspiring true story of Alex W. Miller a writer who worked at The Walt Disney Company. He was the one who wrote a children's book titled "Beyond The River":
For most people, graduation is a very exciting day - the culmination of many years of hard work. But the graduation ... no.

I remember a weekend two years ago. Family and friends come from different countries to see us walking on the stage. But like everyone in angkatanku, I see the economic situation went from bad to worse. Our graduates who have a degree, but the prospects are very limited. Many applications are not accepted my job and I know the next day, when I rent a house which had expired, I will no longer have a place called home.

You know that feeling when you wake up and just overwhelmed by fear? The fear of something that you can not control - a sense of failure continues to haunt you hope that everything is happening so far only a bad dream? Feelings that occur continuously in my life. A day like a week, a week like a month, and months of what seemed like endless misery. And make the most frustrating part is I do not care how many times I tried, I like not making any progress.

So what do I do to keep my sanity? I write. Write the words in each page to make everything look a little more obvious - a little brighter. The article gave me hope. And if you really want something ... sometimes a bit of hope is that you need!

I channel their frustration into a children's book. Beyond The River is an epic story of a small fish that refuses to give in realizing his dreams.

And then one day, without having a degree in writing or contacts and relationships in the world of writing - only with hard work and perseverance - I was offered a publishing contract for my first book! After that, slowly everything started falling into place. I was offered a contract for the second book. Then, a few months later, I called in an interview with The Walt Disney Company and was hired after that.

"Do not give up". Even if everything looks bleak right now, do not give up. Two years ago I was curled up in my car eating cold soup. Everything has changed. If you work hard, give time, and do not give up, everything will always be better. Often our dreams are just upstream of the river ... What we need is the courage to push ourselves to the other side.

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

The Inspiration of one-legged Anthony Robles

Anthony Robles, the Inspirator: Born with One Leg
Anthony Robles, is a wrestler who won the 2010-11 championship NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) individual wrestling in the 125-pound weight class despite being born with only one leg.

On July 20, 1988 Anthony Robles was born with only one leg. However, he refused to wear a prosthesis, he threw when he was 3 years old. Because the legs are not there from the bottom up to the hips, even he does not have to put up his artificial leg stump. Due to lack of sustained, Anthony tried to practice on compensation around the legs is missing, strengthening his body to perfection with a variety of exercises. When Robles was in sixth grade, he set a record for the most powerful push-ups between members of the school. He started learning wrestling in eighth grade, joined in while watching one of its older cousin wrestle. Robles won two Arizona State wrestling championships, with the score 46-0 at the junior and senior high school in Mesa, in Mesa, Arizona. Robles and completed graduate school grappling with a record of 129-15.

Robles entered as a freshman at Arizona State University, and the World Wrestling Championships in Freestyle 55kg class year 2006, he succeeded as champion to 6.
Robles college wrestling career began in 2007-08, when he was nationally ranked and finished the year with a score of 25-11, and almost got the All-American honors that year.

Both as a wrestler in college (2008-2009) Robles earn All-American honors Honors, ended with the score 29-8, and won the Pac 10 Conference championship psada 125-pound class and managed to occupy the fourth place NCAA tournament diKejuaraan 125 pound weight class body. In 2009-10, Robles again again earn All-American honors, was ranked seventh in the class of 125 pounds of the NCAA, with a score of 32-4 on the season, and repeat as Pac-10 champion 125-pound wrestling class.

"Every soul who comes to earth with a leg or two at birth must wrestle his opponents knowing its not what is, but what can be that measures worth. Make it hard, just make it possible and through pain, I wont complain. My spirit is unconquerable. Fearless I will face each foe for I know I am capable. I don't care whats probable, through blood sweat and tears I am unstoppable."

- Anthony Robles